Six Month Plan
So it’s been some time. These last few weeks, I’ve been able to think about what it’s going to take me to actually stick to a regimen. I’ve also needed to ask myself what goals are worth pursing- which ones will I actually be driven and obsessive about. Here’s a sample plan, breaking down large goals into manageable and measurable steps.
The way I’m structuring this, it’s like I’m taking a part time semester of “shree university”.
- MUS: Music
- JB: Career Interview/Application/LinkedIn
- CYBR: Cyber Security Path
- GMDV: Game Development
- FIT: Fitness
- FLM: Film
- 4:30PM to 5:30PM: Drum Lesson (MUS)
- 7:00PM to 8:00PM: Neetcode (JB)
- 5:00PM to 6:00PM: HackTheBox (CYBR)
- 7:00PM to 8:30PM: Video Game Development (GMDV)
- 5:00PM to 6:00PM: Neetcode (JB)
- 7:00PM to 7:30PM: LinkedIn Jobs/Interact (JB)
- 5:00PM to 6:00PM: HackTheBox (CYBR)
- 6:30PM to 8:30PM: Group Climbing (FIT)
- 5:00PM to 6:30PM: Music Composition + Production Lessons/Project (MUS)
- 1hr Writing and Filming (FLM)
- 1.5hr Supplementary Climbing (FIT)
- 1hr Playing Video Games (GMDV)
I’m going to stick by this plan for 6 months. If I want this to be sustainable, I need time to breathe after work, and breathe on the weekends. I need a way to track my progress, so I’ll be counting “attendance” and self-assigning my grade for each “course” based on this. All I need to do to succeed is stick to this schedule. That is it.
Oh, and as a bonus of how I’ll be tracking attendance: After each week of “lessons”, I’ll make a blog post here going over what I learned/accomplished.
While this is perhaps the most cringe thing I’ve had to do for my goals, it’s necessary.
I have 5 years, 11 months, and 3 days.